The guidelines say that you do not accept submissions that have been previously published, but I have a piece that I published on my personal blog and it only had a handful of views. Can I submit it to The Hope Prize?

We accept submissions that started their life on your Substack or personal blog, however we encourage you to refresh, extend or elaborate on your submission to ensure it is fresh and relevant to the themes of hope, courage and resilience.

We do not accept submission that:

  • Have been published widely online to mass audiences by a well known masthead

  • Have been published in print by another publication, masthead or publisher

This ensures that the published anthology is not in breach of another publisher’s rights and includes new, previously unread work.

Do I retain the copyright to my piece?

Yes, you retain the copyright to your piece but by entering The Hope Prize you grant us a perpetual non-exclusive royalty-free license to publish, broadcast (across all media) and post the entry online and in print. Read the full T&Cs. 

Can I submit multiple pieces?

Yes, there is no limit on the amount of pieces you can submit. Each submission requires a separate administration fee of $22 AUD and a separate entry form. 

Do you accept simultaneous submissions (ie. can I submit my piece to multiple competitions at once?)

Yes, we do accept simultaneous submissions. Just please let us know if you are successful elsewhere or withdraw your piece via the Submittable platform.

Does it matter where I live?

No, it does not matter where in the world you live - you can submit to The Hope Prize from anywhere, as long as you are over 18 and your piece is in English.